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Your Clients Don’t Want to Be Thought of As Irresponsible, Inconsiderate, or Ignorant!

Irresponsible, Inconsiderate and Ignorant. 

These are the words used by 88% of respondents to describe those who leave this earth without an estate plan. 

This same Merrill Lynch client survey found that only 18% of people over the age of 55 have a completed estate plan!


So why the cognitive dissonance??

The good news is according to that those clients that have an estate plan:

  • They are far more willing to initiate conversations about end of life preferences and discuss all their estate planning decisions with their family.
  • They are TWICE as likely to say they have confidence that their affairs are in order for their children and family
  • They say they feel more in control of end of life medical treatments and that family could advocate for them.


Estate Planning attorneys are in every community and there are hundreds of online estate planning options for people.


Advisors, you are the answer for this cognitive dissonance!  We want to help you solve it!   Step into this gap for your clients and see the relief come over them!! 


We are here to make it easy for you!