Read the Survey: T3/Inside Information Advisor Software Survey!
EncorEstate Plans Wins Again: The Kitces AdvisorTech Study
“Winning” for Encore isn’t about market share or about social followers. It is all about advisor satisfaction with our technology and service.
“Winning” for Encore isn’t about market share or about social followers. It is all about advisor satisfaction with our technology and service.
So when Michael Kitces AdvisorTech Study shows that advisors give Encore the Highest Customer Satisfaction and Value in the Estate Planning Category it’s like winning the super bowl for us!
We are grateful that our advisors gave a score of 8.6 which is a full point above the average customer satisfaction in the entire survey. Encore also came in with the highest score in Value when our pricing is factored in with a score of 8.7!
This follows the T3 Advisor Survey earlier in 2023 where advisors also gave the Encore the highest satisfaction score in the estate planning category.
We work incredibly hard to deliver a great estate planning experience for advisors so they can deliver a great experience for their clients. It’s amazing to see the hard work pay off in what we believe is the most important assessment of the Encore Technology and Service.
Thank you to the advisors that shared their feedback on their experience with us and to Michael Kitces for his team’s hard work putting this survey together!